Alternative ideas for a Pandemic Halloween


Since becoming a mum, Halloween has taken on a whole new meaning to me. It still involves dressing up and a lot of (eco-friendly) glitter, but it’s a different kind of vibe with a 3 ½-year-old around – and guess what? I love it! There are so many fun activities to get involved in, and Thea is now just about old enough to enjoy them properly – so I was feeling down when I thought Halloween 2020 was effectively cancelled, due to all the restrictions in place.

However, all is not lost! Whilst the traditional trick or treating isn’t going to be appropriate this year, there are still LOADS of fun things you can do with your little ones to ensure they have a memorable Halloween, and everyone stays safe.

See if your local community can come together to organise an alternative Halloween Trail. St Andrew’s Ridge have set up a neighbourhood group and a lot of houses are going to decorate their front gardens and windows – then the kids will head out and try to spot as many ‘spooky’ sights as they can. To view the map, click here

Pumpkin carving is still ON! Why not get a competition going with friends – and it’ll be perfect for putting in the window for that Halloween Trail. If you’re not comfortable with little ones having a knife in their hand (seems terrifying to me, tbh), why not let them paint on the pumpkin instead?
You can even pick up some cool glow in the dark paint to make it even eerier!

Make some yummy Halloween treats – get your homemade sugar high on and make some candy apples, rice crispy cakes and more – it doesn’t matter if they look rubbish – just tell everyone they’re meant to be creepy 👻

Plan an indoor Halloween scavenger hunt. Hide sweeties all over the house and send your kids on a hunt with some clues for the next ‘treasure.’ If you’re feeling imaginative, you could decorate the doors in your house and make your kids knock on them instead (also good exercise to get behind the
doors before they get there)!

This year, there is a full moon on Halloween! If the weather is good, why not set up camp in the garden? Sit under the moon, do some howling if you’re so inclined, set up a campfire (only if it’s safe to do so) and toast some marshmallows. And all within walking distance of a flushing loo – sounds
like bliss to me.

Cosy up and watch some kid-friendly Halloween movies – who wants to go out in the (likely) rain anyway?! Get your pyjamas on, pour the hot chocolate and indulge in some treats! Movies like Hocus Pocus, Nightmare Before Christmas and Addams Family will also give the grown-ups a nice
hit of nostalgia too.

Whatever you do decide to do, stay safe and have fun. Who knows? Thinking about Halloween in a new way could lead to some lifelong family traditions!


Selina xx