The New Look Mini Moo Studios

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As some of you may know, I originally got into photography almost 9 years ago and started my career shooting weddings. I still do that when the season is busy and there’s not a pandemic on ruining everyone’s plans! But creating special memories for special times really opened up a new world for me and became something I was really passionate about delivering. Not just for my clients but for myself.

Mini Moo Studios was really born as an idea after having my gorgeous (she’s mine and I am biased) daughter, Thea. I had always called her ‘Mini Monkey’ – don’t we all have daft names for our kids? If only to join in with their madness. Over time, this developed and shortened to ‘Mini Moo’ so I decided to name this second business after her nickname in the hope it would inspire parents, parents-to-be and families to resonate with my mission. Calling it a mission sounds super serious, but really my aim is to create timeless memories and moments for families to keep forever, particularly when the kids grow older and you can no longer coo over how small their fingers and toes are!

2020 has been one hell of a year for lots of people for lots of different reasons. For many it’s been an opportunity to evaluate, change (whether they were forced into it or not) and sit back and look at life with a new perspective. For me and my family, we were forced into a change that we never saw coming, when my Mum was sadly diagnosed with Covid-19 which eventually took her life. It’s one of those moments I think you realise you never thought it could happen to you and yours and it only served to make 2020 the worst year of my life so far. It was such a shock. I miss Mum every day.

One of Mum’s favourite animals was the Highland cow and with Mini Moo Studios being built around my family and creating special memories, I really wanted to honour my Mum when it came to the rebrand. So it makes perfect sense to me to be introducing this lovely Highland calf as the main feature of my new logo. I asked an artist friend of mine to create him, so massive thanks to Anna Collier Art and Commissions for her creative genius in getting us this far. It means the world to me to commemorate Mum in the business and now I have three generations of women involved; Mum, me and Thea.

So there you have it, the story behind Mini Moo Studios and my fancy pants new logo. I hope you love it as much as I do.

I’ll soon be launching a competition on social media to help me think of a name of the Highland calf. So stay tuned as there are some amazing prizes up for grabs!

Selina xx

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